МІСТО ЛЬВІВ / Сайт Львова / Афіша Львів

A quick and dirty guide to argentinian tango music with Dag Stenvoll (Norvay)

18 Тра (Сб)/16:00
- 18 Тра/17:00
Наливайка, 18 . Британський клуб 2й поверх

A quick and dirty guide to argentinian tango music with Dag Stenvoll (Norvay)

Подія відбуватиметься англійською мовою

During this seminar we will talk about the main types of argentine tango. The idea is to notice new things in the music that can make us and our dance partners enjoy it even more.

Dag is a dancer, DJ, photographer and organiser who lives in Bergen, Norway.

During the pandemic he did “Tango By Year”, together with Michael Lavocah, and the recordings from the 40 episodes can be listened to for free at Soundcloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/sB2su

Dag has been to Ukraine many times, loves our country and is ecstatic about coming back to Lviv.

We invite everyone for a donation of 200 UAH or more

We are raising money for medical supplies for the wounded:
Paypal: [email protected]
Privat: 4149629357992577

For a donation you can get a recording of the seminar.

The event will be held in English and moderated by Julia Pivtorak, a cultural scholar and tangera with many years of experience as an argentine tango DJ. 

Time: 16:00-17:00

Address: Nalyvaika Street 18, Lviv (21 door code)

FB group: Las Alas Tango Events
Telegram: https://t.me/lvivtangosocial

Life goes on, let’s not postpone it for later..


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