МІСТО ЛЬВІВ / Сайт Львова / Афіша Львів

Lecture: making your applications great - how to apply for funding and festivals

22 Січ (Пн)/19:30
- 22 Січ/20:30
Lecture: making your applications great - how to apply for

Lecture: making your applications great - how to apply for funding and festivals

Lecture: making your applications great – how to apply for funding and festivals

Афіша Львів №1

2024-01-22 19:30:00 –

Dear Porichka’s family, we are thrilled to announce an exciting upcoming event! 🔥

On January 22nd, we are honored to host Jess Partridge for a lecture on making your applications great: how to apply for funding and festivals.

🫶Register to receive the link to the online lecture broadcast: https://tally.so/r/wadxbv

Джерело заходу: https://www.facebook.com/1263574991251577

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