МІСТО ЛЬВІВ / Сайт Львова / Афіша Львів

Remolino phenomenon workshops. DJ TEAM

21 Гру (Сб)/12:00
- 21 Гру/13:30
Remolino phenomenon workshops. DJ TEAM

Remolino phenomenon workshops. DJ TEAM

Remolino phenomenon workshops. DJ TEAM

Афіша Львів №1

2024-12-21 12:00:00 – 2024-12-21 13:30:00
Online event

What is it?
I am the organiser of Tango Remolino Dj festival in Ukraine. Usually it’s held during Christmas/New Year holidays. I want to share my secrets and ideas as well as vision and inspiration to do better tango events. This time — how do I picked a team of Djs.

This is an online workshop. First in the series. After donation you will receive a zoom link in private message.

Who is it for?
Tango organisers, tango DJs, tango people who want to know more about what’s happening behind the scenes.

How do I donate and how much? Where is the money going to?
You can donate any amount comfortable to you. No minimum donations this time — all donations are vital. If you cannot participate during the event – you will receive a recording.

Paypal: [email protected]


The military unit that we usually help was forced to put both vehicles into maintenance, so now they have none. And leftover amount of money I collected in September and October is probably enough to fix only one of them. They need to fix both vehicles to be able to continue the fight.

Джерело заходу: https://www.facebook.com/1112885187011853

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